Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heather Wells Makes a Comeback

Size 12 Is Not Fat
Size 14 Is Not Fat Either
Big Boned
Meg Cabot
2005, 2006, 2007
Published by Avon Books
Source: Library

Here is the story of how I came about the Heather Wells Mysteries by the very funny author, Meg Cabot. 

As some of you may know, I am one of the Avon Addicts for Avon books, and let me tell you, I am LOVING it!!  This month they sent us a copy of the Upcoming, Size 12 and Ready to Rock, which is the fourth book in the Heather Wells series.  Anyone who knows me as a reader knows that I CANNOT read the fourth book of a series without reading the first three books this was how it came about that I put all other reading to the side and started Size 12 Is Not Fat, followed by Size 14 Is Not Fat Either and Big Boned

I will warn you that (1) They are Chick-lit, so NO open door bedroom scenes, (2) They will get you so involved that you will have to read one right after the other, so make sure to have them all before you start, and (3) Be ready to have your family or pets giving you strange looks as you laugh out loud while reading this series.

Coming from a thirty-year old who grew up during the Brittney/Justin, Boy Band Madness, I thought this series was hysterical and I swear, so realistic.  I loved Heather Wells.  She was smart, funny, sarcastic, and most of the time very frustrated with all of the people in her life, well...ok...Only the people in her life that either think she is still in love with Jordan Cartwright, which she IS NOT, or the ones that don't believe her when she is trying to solve the murder...and she is always spot on!!

And Cooper Cartwright....BIG SWOON....I think what kept me reading page after page was, yes, the funny secondary characters, but any small interaction between Heather and Cooper.  I was glued to the pages waiting to see Cooper again, and wanting him to just tell Heather he was crazy about her too!!  I was just as frustrated as Heather!!

So all in all, I now can move on to Size 12 and Ready to Rock knowing all of my characters and I am caught up on what has gone on in the life of Heather Wells, ex-pop star, very cool crime solver!!  I would definitely recommend this series to anyone looking for a Very Cool Heroine, a nutty bunch of secondary characters and a funny murder mystery to help solve.  I am not usually a Chick-Lit reader, but I found these books to be A LOT of fun and very quick reads!! 

1 comment:

Jen Shields said...

I'm not usually into chick-lit either but these sounds cute! Although I must say, I don't know if I'd be brave enough to read these in public. I feel like I might get hateful glares from people since I'm not a size twelve. Like, whenever I step foot into Torrid, I feel like I'm going to get kicked out of their special club. I love a funny read though.