Christie Ridgway
Released Jan 1st, 2007
384 Pages
After all, this year brought Hannah Davis nothing but the memory of her wandering fiancé marrying someone else behind her back. Now, sitting alone at a bar in Coronado, California, on December 31, she decides to do something radical . . . and lets a brooding good-looker take her to bed. But when a hysterical woman bursts into their room much too early on New Year's Day, Hannah realizes this guy's more complicated than she thought . . .
Ex-Secret Service Agent Tanner Hart screwed up, big-time! Hoping to temporarily boot some of the ghosts from his life, he hooked up with this sexy stranger for a hot one-night stand—only to discover she's the woman he's agreed to protect . . . from men just like him!
But a new year is a time for fresh beginnings. Despite the danger, the hoopla, and the hangovers, if Hannah's brave enough to risk her heart again—and Tanner's wise enough to realize he deserves it—maybe this one will be different.
This is officially the Romance Book that got me back into my obsession with reading!! A few years back I saw it sitting on the book shelf at my mother in laws house and after reading the blurb on the back my interest was Peaked!!
I have to say....it was one of the sexiest books I had ever read, I think I might have blushed while reading some of the racy sex scenes....and then I blushed more because I had borrowed the book from..MY MOTHER IN LAW!! haha
Christie sucked me into the Romance world with this great read and I have been not just a big fan of her books but with The Romance Genre as a whole!!
So here's to you Ms. Ridgway...and My Mother in Law, Luisa, for helping me along on my journey to finding some amazing, amazing books and authors....and to helping me find my true calling.....as a Romance Writer!!
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