Monday, January 9, 2012

Opposites Attract Takes on a New Meaning

Between Seasons
Aida Brassington
Published: Oct 30th, 2011
232 Pages
Green Needle Press
Source: Gifted by Author

There are things Patrick Boyle will never forget: the sound of his own neck breaking at the moment of his death in the fall of 1970, the sweet taste of his mother’s chocolate cake, and the awful day his parents abandoned him in his childhood house-turned prison.

Nineteen-year-old Patrick wonders for decades if God has forgotten all about him or if he’s being punished for some terrible crime or sin over a lovely forty years trapped in an empty home. But when Sara Oswald, a strange woman with a mysterious past, buys his house, old feelings reawaken, and a new optimism convinces him that she’s the answer to his prayers.

Things are never simple, though, especially when she begins channeling the memories of his life and death in her writing.

Between Seasons by Aida Brassington is a bit different from most of the Romances that I read.  For one, the whole book takes place in the POV of our Hero, Patrick.  For another, Patrick is dead.  Yes, I know...Sounds strange...but the book was... Fantastic.  I was skeptical if I would enjoy this type of Romance, it seemed to be a bit "darker" than I would normally read, but Patrick is such a wonderful character, and with each page you read you can't help but fall for him yourself. 

Since we get to read the book from Patrick's point of view, we also get a different side of Sara, our heroine.  I can stress enough how much I enjoyed the knowing and the belief that there was something in the house with her, but she wasn't afraid, she almost started to heal because of it.  To be able to watch a love form between these two people was sweet, and I was cheering for Patrick and Sara the whole time.  He finally wasn't alone anymore, and for what it's worth, neither was she.

Aida Brassington does something so different with her debut novel.  Aside from what I mentioned already, she creates a novel that feels as though you are sitting, watching a play.  By using only one setting, the home where Patrick died, I felt as if I was watching the scenes happen right in front of my eyes.

The running theme of 'Seasons' is beautiful hidden in the dialogue and the use of songs and references to the 70's, was like taking a trip back to when my parents were teens.  She also does an impeccable job at describing the difference between then and now, with all of the new inventions that had been created in the last forty years.

I love the foreshadowing of Patrick's dreams, which I won't say too much about here, well...cause I want you to read the book, but I will say, Aida put much thought into where the book was headed and I can't wait to read the sequel, North of Frost...Let's just say the end of Between Seasons leave you wanting more.

I won't get too much into secondary characters, because there is ONE that I do not want to speak of....maybe because she is a "something that rhymes with witch", or because I want you to read the book, so I don't want to give too much away.  Besides, Aida will be Guest Blogging here tomorrow and she is talking "Villains" we can talk more about this particular person tomorrow.

I honestly didn't think Between Season was going to be my cup of tea, but Patrick uses his adorable, nineteen year old charms on you and you find yourself at the last page saying "WOW". 

Don't forget to join us back here tomorrow, where Aida will be Guest Blogging and Hosting a Giveaway of her wonderful, debut novel.

1 comment:

Jen Shields said...

I bow down to the Review Queen!

When I read the excerpt above I thought the book sounded okay...but your review made it all the more enticing! From the original synopsis I guess I didn't realize it was so much a romance. It's difficult believing there can be chemistry with a ghost.

Is it only available in e-format?