The McCarthy's of Gansett Island #6
Marie Force
Released June 5th, 2012
Published by HTJB, Inc.
Source: Purchased by Reviewer
I always enjoy a Gansett Island Romance, but this one left me unfulfilled!
I was reading along, getting deeper and deeper into the story and then ...Epilogue?? I was so surprised that the book was just ended so abruptly. I thought I was missing some pages or something, but when I flipped back and forth I realized that the book was over. OVER?? I wasn't ready for it to be over. I was left a bit lost over Owen's mother's situation, and where Laura and Owen were headed. It was just OVER. Some of the issues were tied up in the Epilogue, but I was still feeling a bit lost.
Aside from that one issue, I truly enjoyed the Romance between Owen and Laura, and was quite happy to see them FINALLY have a REAL kiss...an against-the-wall kind of kiss. The drama between them was real, but kind of died off a bit with the abrupt ending. For those of you who haven't read the complete Gansett Series, Owen Laury and Laura McCarthy have had a romance brewing for the last two books and we have all been in anticipation of that first REAL kiss between them.
I had honestly loved Owen from the first second he walked onto the page. He was charismatic, and fun, handsome, yet sweet. A real white knight, who happens to travel around in his VW Van. The lonesome wanderer really grabbed my heart, and I had wanted to see his happy ending from that moment on. I knew it would be a rough voyage when he met Laura McCarthy and pretty much fell in love at first sight. Even though the sea's were rough, they made it to shore and I believe they will have a love that lasts a lifetime.
I am sooooooo looking forward to the next book of the Gansett Series, Longing for Love, which is Tiffany and Blaine's story. If you know me, you know that I have been vying for Tiffany to find a new man since book one, when she had a bad attitude and was in the need of some good lovin'. I didn't care that she was married to that jerk of a husband, Jim. I wanted her to find love and THANK GOD Marie felt the same way, and she has given Tiffany her own romance, which is going to be HOT AND HOTTER, if the sneak peak of the next book had anything to say about it!! I cant wait!
I am also very interested to see where the strong attraction between Dan Torrington and Kara Ballard will go. That is another Gansett romance I am SOOO looking forward to!!
I will always highly recommend Marie's romances, for one because they are always great and secondly, because she knows how to write a steamy love story. If you haven't yet read the Gansett Island Series I suggest you get started today. You only have five books to read in order to catch up with Season for Love. You won't be sorry!!
Enjoy Ladies and Happy Reading!!
I agree, for the most part. Marie has a rabid and loyal fanbase. Combined with the fact that she is so responsive and interactive with her fans, I am wondering if she is playing a game of Monkey in the Middle. (I am completely guilty of this crime, so please don't think I am point fingers. I'm not.)
The book was filled with so many elements that resulted from fan requests or fan questions, that it lacked the snap I'm used to with Marie. But she was so clearly trying to make the fanbase happy. The work suffered...
I am officially taking back everything I've ever said in terms of offering my two cents about plot or character or "I wonder if". Marie should be allowed to be the mistress of her own domain, because when she is, she's unstoppably good. When she's writing by committee, the result is a confusing, untidy work that reads like a book written by committee. I was a little bummed, which is a FIRST for me with Marie.
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