Elizabeth Eulberg
Released April 1st, 2012
278 Pages
Point Publishing
Source: Reviewer Purchased
Concept wise and character wise I really did enjoy this New Release from Elizabeth Eulberg, who has become one of my favorite YA Authors since her debut release of The Lonely Hearts Club.
But, something was just OFF for me and I believe it was the way Elizabeth portrayed many of the conversations between the characters. I felt as though it took a little bit away from the flow of the story. I wouldn't say it was a HUGE reason not to enjoy the book, but for me personally, I didn't enjoy the abrupt change of pace.
I did enjoy the dynamics between Emma, Sophie, Ethan and Carter, all very different people, with very different personalities who weave in and out of each other's lives for the four years that they attend a Performing Arts School in NYC.
My favorite part of the book was trying to figure out what was going to happen between Emma/Ethan, Emma/Carter and Emma/Trevor. I can usually figure out what was going through the characters minds, and where the story might lead, but with this book, Elizabeth really keeps us in the dark, which kept me turning page after page.
I won't say this is my favorite Elizabeth Eulberg book, since I am crazy about The Lonely Hearts Club, but I will say it had a great storyline, and characters that anyone who has ever been a teenager can relate to, and the performing art aspect was so well thought out and researched, that anyone who has ever wanted to know what it is like behind those closed doors, will find out what all the excitement/pressure is all about!
I will always purchase an Elizabeth Eulberg release since I love her work, and I recommend Take a Bow to anyone who hasn't read anything by Elizabeth, but I also will recommend The Lonely Hearts Club also, since it was the book that got me hooked on Ms. Eulberg.
Enjoy and Happy Reading!!