Friday, September 27, 2013

Argeneau 10-yr Anniversary Tour: Book Feature of ONE LUCKY VAMPIRE by Lynsay Sands @AvonRomance

Three Fabulous Prizes
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Yes, Nicole Phillips has miraculously survived what appear to be three separate death threats from her ex-husband-to-be. But no, she does not need protection. At least that’s what she keeps telling everyone. But when her new housekeeper arrives complete with a sexy build and a no-nonsense attitude, she can’t help but feel a little safer. That is, until the passion between them heats up and she knows she’s really in trouble.

Jake Carlson never wanted to be immortal, or a vampire, in the first place. Turned during an emergency by Vincent Argeneau, he’s been living his new life away from the clan as a bodyguard for hire. That is, until Marguerite Argeneau reappears with a new job opportunity: undercover protection for a family friend…as a housekeeper. But when he discovers his beautiful new client is tougher than he first thought, Jake thinks he might be the one in need of protection. Just not the physical kind.

With two weeks until her divorce proceedings are final, Jake must do everything in his power to keep Nicole safe and happy… he just hopes he can keep ahold of his heart in the process!


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About Lynsay
LYNSAY SANDS is the nationally bestselling author of the Argeneau/Rogue Hunter vampire series, as well as numerous historicals and anthologies. She’s been writing stories since grade school and considers herself incredibly lucky to be able to make a career out of it. Her hope is that readers can get away from their everyday stress through her stories, and if there’s occasional uncontrollable fits of laughter, that’s just a big bonus.

Visit her official website at

Interview with Elle Dawson, author of THE ANNIVERSARY GIFT (Guest Inteview with Rach)

Great to have you as a Guest at A Tasty Read today.  Can you tell my readers a bit about your Newest Release, THE ANNIVERSARY GIFT?

The Anniversary Gift is the story of Kate and Ethan, a couple married for nearly ten years. Things have gone stagnant and their marriage has lost its spice. At dinner one night, Ethan makes an audacious proposal, with hopes it will help them regain their passion.  Kate is stunned, hurt and then … she begins to think of the possibilities.  This spirals Kate out of her comfort zone and into an erotic journey with her husband.  Will she or won’t she fulfill Ethan’s fantasy? You’ll have to read it to find out.

I always get great book ideas while I am in the shower, where did the idea for THE ANNIVERSARY GIFT come from?

The shower is a fountain of ideas for me too, but this one came to me while I was driving.  I was in a loveless, passionate marriage with no hope of it being saved. Plus, I’d just had a conversation the night before with a friend in the same situation.  I began to daydream about the perfect marriage, how things would be, what I’d do, how I’d feel.  I pulled over to the side of the road and started writing my ideas down in my phone. It blossomed from there.   

Did you find it hard working with a Married Couple having issues, opposed to working with a Hero and Heroine who have just met?

I deeply feel that one of the reasons so many of us are unsatisfied in our relationships is because we read so many of the hero/heroine love stories.  As a teen, you’d find me with a Harlequin Romance, dreaming of my prince charming coming to sweep me off my feet.  Then, we grow up, meet this guy, get married and live the dream for a bit.  One day, we look up from our latest romance novel and study our husband, sitting in the recliner, picking lint from his navel.  Reality slams us in the face and we lose hope that anything better is possible. Then, there’s the mortgage, kids, the toilet seat that’s been left up for the millionth time.  There are the things that have been said, or unsaid that create a brick wall of resentment that a wrecking ball couldn’t bust through.

So…to finally answer your question...I do think it is harder.  We’ve all met someone, fallen crazy in love, had amazing sex.  Fewer of us have been able to make a relationship work long term, especially in a way that is sexually or emotionally satisfying.  Plus, I would be doing a dis-service to my readers if I just magically spiced up a relationship without the couple processing through the issues that drove them apart to begin with.  I need to take that into consideration too, while keeping the story steamy and engaging.

What are some things that you can suggest to spice up a marriage that had fallen into the Ten-Year Lull?

This may sound harsh, but here goes… stop expecting your mate to make you happy.  It goes back to the fairytale we women live with, expecting him to create fulfillment and happiness. It just doesn’t work that way. We must be responsible for our own happiness, be our best selves.

With that in mind, ask for what you want, initiate sex, laugh, be fun. Take time to understand how men think and what they need and fear. Really connect…not in the way you want him to connect with you, but in how he needs you to connect with him, which is very, very different.

Be curious, explore, show kindness, and respect him. You’ll never be able to change him, but when you are your best self, when you live with joy and honor … it is very likely he will do the same.  You’ll be like a magnet to him, pulling him closer.  It must start with you.

What are you planning for your next release?  Are you working on anything now?

My newest book is The Birthday Gift, the second book of the Re-Connections series and it actually went live this week!

I’m very excited about this book, but also very nervous as it’s a story of a broken marriage, an affair and the tortured choice the heroine must make.  It’s absolutely a love story, it is without a doubt highly erotic, and it is incredibly moving and, I hope, inspirational.

Who do you admire as a writer?  Do you have an author who is a MUST READ for you?

Funny enough, my favorite author has nothing to do with romance at all.  I adore Dean Koontz because he takes suspenseful and unusual plots and makes them beautiful. His descriptions bring his world to life, so creatively. I find my breath stopping at times.  I just adore him.
Thank you so much for stopping by A Tasty Read to chat, and A HUGE Thank You to Rach for her fabulous Guest Interview!!

If you want to find out more about Elle Dawson, and her Two Releases, THE ANNIVERSARY GIFT and THE BIRTHDAY GIFT, you can visit her at,

Or Check out the Books at Goodreads,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TVBT: ACCIDENTAL COWGIRL by Maggie McGinnis (Guest Post) @tastybooktours #giveaway

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$50 e-giftcard to and a NetGalley review copy of ACCIDENTAL COWGIRL
(3) Loveswept Coffee Mug
(5) ACCIDENTAL COWGIRL NetGalley review copy
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In her Loveswept debut, Maggie McGinnis tells the tale of a city girl who’s running on fumes—and the cowboy who shows her all the good things she’s been missing.

 After being betrayed by her con man ex-fiancé, Kyla Bennett nurses a broken heart. But Kyla's friends have other ideas and when they whisk her off to Whisper Creek, a dude ranch staffed by cowboys so hot they dim the Montana sunset, all Kyla wants to do is hide under a quilt. Then in rides Decker Driscoll. He’s hauling about as much emotional baggage as Kyla, but when he stands close by, both of them want to stay close—and begin to succumb to an undeniable attraction.

 After experiencing personal tragedy, Decker never thought he’d see Big Sky country again. But now that his family's Whisper Creek property is in deep with a Vegas gambler, Decker’s back for the summer—and spending all his time running from “cowgirls” who come to the dude ranch to score some dudes. Then he meets Kyla, a kindred spirit who brings on a stampede of protective feelings . . . and a powerful hankering to sear her with a new brand of love.
If I Could Live Anywhere…Maggie McGinnis
Thanks so much for hosting me today! I’m so excited to be here! 

Years ago when I trained physicians for a living, a group of them visited New England from Albuquerque. As we took them around to our adorable farm stands and apple orchards and really-quite-huge lake, they nodded and smiled and took it all in. When we got back to the office, one of them got out of the car and said, “It’s really pretty, but don’t you feel claustrophobic living here?”

I was mystified. How could I feel claustrophobic? Was she not smelling the fresh air? Not feeling the mountain breeze? Not seeing the lake that stretched for a whole mile? How could she feel claustrophobic?

The next month, I traveled to Albuquerque, and then I understood. There is nowhere in New England where you can see for that many miles, nowhere where the mountains that look so close are really a gazillion miles away, nowhere where you can predict the weather four hours ahead of time because you can see it coming.

Actually, in New England we’re fairly lousy at predicting the weather at all. Between the lakes and the mountains and that pesky ocean-effect, it’s a meteorologist’s nightmare to be recognized on the street around here.

When I was deciding where to set Accidental Cowgirl, I wanted my Boston-based characters to be blown away by the huge skies, towering mountains, and almost-indescribable beauty all around them. I wanted nature to heal them, to shove technology aside so they had to talk only to each other, face-to-face. I suppose I could have sent them to Albuquerque, but I’m a sucker for the stunning landscape that is Montana, so I created Whisper Creek just for them. I know! I’m nice like that!

I loved “living” in Montana as I wrote this book. And next time I’ve got free childcare and a free round-trip ticket to anywhere in the world, I’m totally heading to the airport. Approximately three-and-a-half days and six plane changes later, I’ll be there!

How about you? If someone else took care of all of your daily responsibilities and you had a free ticket to anywhere in the country, where would you love to spend a week exploring?

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Meet Maggie
Maggie McGinnis is the author of Driving Without a License, which was a finalist for Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart award. A former high school English teacher, an accomplished musician, and a certified black belt, she lives in New England with her family.
Connect with Maggie: Facebook | Twitter | Website
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TBT: GIVE IN TO ME by Sidda Lee Tate @tastybooktours #giveaway

Enter to win a $10.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
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The attraction between Jennica and Scott is undeniable, but will her past show up to ruin it all?
After years of being gone, Scott Sims has returned to his hometown. Life is good. He likes his new job, has reconnected with his sister, and even met a "friend with benefits" at the local bar. He does his best to ignore the flurry of rumors—none of them true—about where he's been and who he's become.
Jennica Moss's last relationship ended badly, leaving her guarded and untrusting. She's new in town, but the local gossips have kept her informed about almost everything. The latest hot topic—Scott Sims, the area's most promising star, the guy who threw his football career away and disappeared for years.
When Scott and Jennica meet, emotions run high. Scott can't resist the urge to get to know her. But Jennica's past threatens to come between them, and Scott can't seem to shake his present. When he broke things off with his last fling, she didn't take it well, and she keeps showing up at the most inopportune moments, making his time with Jennica strained.
Now one, or both, of their lives may be at risk, and Jennica must face the consequences of giving in to her heart and falling in love with Scott.
Content Warning: strong language and graphic sex
Read an Excerpt Here


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About Sidda Lee Tate
Sidda Lee Tate has spent most of her life creating stories. Writing is one of her great loves. Whether her words make readers cry, laugh, or down-right hot, she is proud to take people on a journey with her characters. Sidda lives in a small town in Arkansas with her husband and son.
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Monday, September 23, 2013

TRT: IN THE SHADOW OF EVIL by Nancy C. Weeks @tastybooktours #giveaway

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Elías Mendoza’s personal vendetta against the McKenzie family rests on Jennie’s shoulders. As she cradles the bullet ridden body of her ten-year old student, she knows Mendoza is responsible. Quinton’s death is a message. Jennie’s life belongs to only Mendoza. But she has her own message. No one else dies. Her life means nothing as long as Mendoza is free.
Jared McNeil has spent ten years with Maryland’s Special Crime Unit and very little rattles him. When the haunted teenager he once tried to protect walks into his precinct now a beautiful woman, he wants nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. But he soon realizes she is there only to settle her debts before she goes after his nemesis, Mendoza. Jared’s vow to stay away from Jennie until the task force destroys Mendoza now means nothing.
What Jared and Jennie don't understand is there are forces at play greater than the evil shadowing them, but time is running out. United, they can do anything. Alone, they will fail.
Big fan of Romance Suspense, Laura Griffin, Christy Reece, I am addicted, and Nancy C. Weeks is making a place among these ladies with her Two Releases, IN THE SHADOW OF GREED and IN THE SHADOW OF EVIL.  Creepy, Evil Villain, Tough Heroine who isn't weak and who likes to take matters into her own hands and a hero who will do anything to help the woman he loves...YUM...who also has a twin brother, so plenty of sexy McNeil to go around.
Great suspense, plot was interesting, and kept me turning the pages and the steam is on a sensual level, but still kept the heart racing.  Definitely one to check out if you are looking for a New Author in the Romance Suspense Genre.


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About Nancy
Nancy C. Weeks has loved happy-ever-after romances since she was in her early teens. While still in college, she met and married her hero and spent the next several years honeymooning and working overseas. Today, she lives in suburban Maryland with her husband of more than thirty years. Her two children are in college and she spends her days out on her deck writing as the local bird population keeps her company. She loves to hear from her readers.

Cover Reveal: FINDING THE RIGHT GIRL: A Nice GUY to Love Spin Off by Violet Duke @tastybooktours #giveaway

Brian Sullivan has been in love twice in his lifetime. He lost his first love to early-onset Huntington’s, and the other to his brother.  And somehow, his heart has managed to heal itself after both. Amazingly, without therapy. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t gotten a bit more cautious, however. Lately, Brian’s been thinking that maybe his brother’s now retired nothing-but-flings rule wasn’t such a bad idea after all. But as the unofficial nice guy poster boy, Brian needs some help with the whole thing. So he looks to the outrageously ‘unique,’ inexplicably enigmatic, provokingly button-pushing Tessa Daniels.
There’s absolutely no way he’s falling in love with this one…right?
Tessa has no idea what she was thinking telling Brian that she was some sort of fling expert. She’s never been flung and she sure as heck doesn’t know where or how to begin flinging a guy like Brian. Tessa blames her temporary lapse in sanity on the can’t-help-but-fall-for-him brain fuzz that hits her whenever she’s around him. Not only does he have her being more herself than she’s ever been in her life, but he’s the only man that seems to have as many demons and skeletons in the closet as she does. What’s more, he’s got her thinking of the one thing she stopped letting herself even hope for years ago.
A happily ever after.

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About Violet
National bestselling author Violet Duke is a former professor of English Education who is ecstatic to now be on the other side of the page writing wickedly fun contemporary romance novels.  Besides writing and feeding her book-a-day reading addiction, she can often be found tackling reno projects with her power tools and trying pretty much anything without reading the directions first, or cooking 'special edition' dishes that laugh in the face of recipes.  Violet lives in Hawai'i with her two cute kids and similarly adorable husband.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tasty Book Tour: A LITTLE TOO FAR by Lisa Desrochers @tastybooktours #giveaway

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Have you ever gone just a little too far?
Lexie Banks has.
Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it's more of a my-dad-happened-to-marry-a-woman-with-a-super-hot-son situation. But still, he's been her best friend and confidant for better part of the last few years...and is so off limits. It's a good thing she's leaving in two days for a year abroad in Rome. But even thousands of miles away, Lexie can't seem to escape trouble. Raised Catholic, she goes to Confession in hopes of alleviating some of her guilt...and maybe not burning in hell. Instead, she stumbles out of the confessional right into Alessandro Moretti, a young and very easy on the eyes deacon...only eight months away from becoming a priest. Lexie and Alessandro grow closer, and when Alessandro's signals start changing despite his vow of celibacy, she doesn't know what to think. She's torn between falling in love with the man she shouldn't want and the man she can't have. And she isn't sure how she can live with herself either way.
 Read an EXCERPT

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About Lisa
Lisa Desrochers lives in northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. If you'd told her five years ago she'd write a book, she'd have laughed in your face. As it turns out, she'd owe you an apology. Writing has become an addiction for Lisa and A Little Too Far, courtesy of HarperCollins, is her first novel for adults. She is also the author of the young adult Personal Demons trilogy from Macmillan. When she's not writing, she's reading, and she adores stories that take her to new places, and then take her by surprise. Connect with her online at, on her blog at, on Twitter at @LisaDez, and on Facebook at
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Cover Reveal: SEDUCING PHOEBE by Nicole Flockton @tastybooktours

Phoebe Fitzgerald is about to marry a wonderful man—that is until her ex turns up and declares his undying love for her. Confused about her feelings, she calls off her wedding to Marco Petronelli.
Marco knows his offer to wed Phoebe isn’t a love match, but he cares for her and believes the compatibility they share will be enough to sustain their marriage. He is forced to admit his emotions go far deeper when Phoebe calls off the wedding, and now he will do almost anything to make her realize they are meant for each other.
Can he convince Phoebe that their relationship is worth saving? Or will secrets from both their pasts be too much to overcome?
About Nicole
On her very first school report her teacher said ‘Nicole likes to tell her own stories’.
It wasn’t until after the birth of her daughter and after having fun on the community board of that she finally decided to take the plunge and write a book.
The stories she writes are contemporary romances with either a medical setting or in the boardrooms of high powered business. Nicole enjoys taking two characters and creating unique situations for them.
Apart from writing Nicole is busy looking after her very own hero – her wonderfully supportive husband, and her two fabulous kids.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TRT: RIVERSTAR by Tess Thompson @tastybooktours #giveaway

Win a $10.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
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After ending an affair with a married movie producer, feisty Hollywood makeup artist Bella Webber finds herself back in the quaint Oregon town of River Valley, the location of a famous director’s latest film. Despite trying to distract herself with work, Bella is unnerved by the proximity of Benjamin Fleck – a man who once so expertly made love to her she’d temporarily forgotten everything painful about her life. But now Ben sees her as nothing more than a heartbreak waiting to happen.

When an actress is found murdered after she’s seen leaving the restaurant Riversong with Ben, he is accused of the crime and arrested. Convinced of his innocence, the River Valley ‘gang of misfits’ band together to find the real killer, and Bella must face her biggest fear to ensure the truth is revealed.
If you are a fan of Small-Town Romance, then RIVERSTAR, and the RIVER VALLEY SERIES is a must read.  They are a bit of Romance Suspense, a bit of Women's Fiction and a Hint of Contemporary Romance.  Gives you a little bit of everything you might like in a Romance. 
RIVERSTAR stars Belle and Ben, who met in RIVERBEND, Book Two in the series.  They have a brief fling and then she escapes back to her married lover, who she in turn gets rid of, because she felt something more with Ben.  But months and one apology later, and Belle is at her brother's wedding watching the man she loves flirting with his date, who is another woman. 
From there....the drama unfolds...Hollywood moves into RIVER VALLEY for filming of a movie, and the married ex-lover just happens to be working on the movie, and the man she loves is being charged with murder of a Hollywood starlet....WHAT??  I know...It gets better!
Take a chance on Belle and Ben, and take a crazy ride with this couple as they try to find the real killer, while finding the balance in their relationship and keeping their heads above water!
Exciting, Fun and Drama-filled...What a fun weekend read!!
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About Tess
Tess Thompson is a novelist and playwright with a BFA in Drama from the University of Southern California. In 2011, she released her first novel, Riversong, which subsequently became a bestseller.
Like the characters in the River Valley collection, Tess is from a small town in Oregon. She currently lives in a suburb of Seattle, Washington with her two young daughters, Emerson and Ella. She is inspired daily by the view of the Cascade Mountains from her home office window.
Tess is working on her next novel and regularly blogs about her journey as a mother, author and friend at
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